> I agree with the misuse of the term "Engineer" in IT. I think it should only
> be used for the "official" protected title of civil engineer. Which I
> believe is a very respectable job. Sad but true, in IT too many people have
> some form of engineer in their job title but are almost totally clueless.

[ X-Operational_Content = 0 ]

Can't resist.

When I read your message it brought back to my memory a nice guy that
used to work for me eons ago, very clever, smart and hands-on, he had
a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology.

One day, we had some sort of outage and I found him in the "computer
room" sitting in front of one of the racks with some routing gear, I
still have that image in my memory he looked like he was doing some
sort of group therapy with the routers, I couldn't resist and told him
"Hey Joey, Freud won't help you, get your butt off of the chair and
follow the default procedure, power cycle the damn beast".

There were also several folks with various degrees in Physics, experts
on blowing up stuff.

Again, IMHO, in this field a title may help or may provide others a
relative idea where you fit in a large organization, or help the HR
folks know how much to put on your paycheck or what kind of
benefits/perks go associated with that level, but I still believe that
substance is more important.

Chief Old Operations Knucklehead

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