We are not allowed to post from work email accounts to lists such as
these as well.

The CISO's reasoning (and he may have a point...) is that we might ask
the list "Hey...I can't figure out why my Cisco $MODEL router is doing
"this" when I upgrade to $VERSION of IOS."

Then someone trolling to hack you knows you have one of them in your
network running that version of code.  It still may be easy enough to
extrapolate where you work from your personal email using other
publicly available methods but

On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 4:49 AM, Jorge Amodio <jmamo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I'm betting more then a few of use free mail accts to keep this
>>>> separate from our work mail.  If your really having that much issue,
>>>> config your mail server to drop it yourself or unsub....
>>>> Seriously
>>>> -jim   yes posted from gmail acct.
>>> Ditto.
>>> - - ferg
>> +1  (posting from gmail account)
> +2 (also from gmail)
> free anti spam, no need for antivirus, free storage, spam don't go to
> my "official" address, don't have to make backups, can read from
> anywhere, mostly used for email lists.
> The problem is the source not what service he/she uses, trolls will be
> trolls regardless of what freebie fqdn they use.
> Jorge

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