Hi Chuck,

> Anyone have suggestions on Ethernet LAN loop-prevention?  With the 
In general, I avoid the potential for layer2 loops to any user-accesible layer2 
ports in a manner that many edge network and broadband providers may find 
familiar -- vlan per user, tail, port, etc. -- aggregated in a hierarchical 
manner within the building, metro area, or city. 

This simple and logical layer2 isolation (real isolation, none of this 
pvlan-edge stuff) basically solves many problems by simply avoiding the 
preconditions necessary for loops/etc to pose a problem to the agg/border/etc 
of a network. Don't worry about users' being entire walled-off from each other 
-- unicast IP reachability is not broken with this model. Currently, the IOS 
implementation of unnumbered vlans/subints provides proxy-arp responses for all 
in-prefix (as defined by loopback/interface pointer-membership) addresses that 
your end-users may issue who-has's for. 

This is analogous to docsis and rfc1483 half-bridge as often used on xDSL 
network edges -- layer3's not broken, but layer2 is nicely walled off per-user. 
Perhaps you could think of this as dedicated layer2 resources per customer edge 
(CE), rather, "complaining entity."

More here: 

I use this feature on 3550/3560/3750, sup2/sup720 on 6500; several colleagues 
have verified this works on 4900m an 4500's in 12.2SG trains. 

Of course, terminating lower-speed subints or QinQ tag'd vlan bundles works on 
higher-end ports (sip/spa), as well as all cpu-based boxes... 7200/7301 will 
consume QinQ ip subints for breakfast, and even give populate option 82 info in 
DHCP transactions auto-magically, if given the chance (by using helder-addrs on 

The user-facing port config is usually some per-site variation of this 
following flavor, configured expecting users to land at 10/fdx or hdx:

interface FastEthernet0/1
 description Unit 201 
 load-interval 30
 speed 10
 port security max-mac-count 10
 port security aging time 5
 port storm-control broadcast action shutdown
 port storm-control broadcast threshold rising 100 falling 50
 port storm-control multicast action shutdown
 port storm-control multicast threshold rising 100 falling 50
 port storm-control unicast action filter
 port storm-control unicast threshold rising 3000 falling 1000
 switchport access vlan 201
 spanning-tree portfast
 spanning-tree bpdufilter enable

...Errdisable autorecover (or having the user call the support desk) are some 
of the ways out of the down/down access port penalty box; mix and combine these 
elements to taste. If terminating fast or gig-e, scale things accordingly. 

After the access ports are setup and trunking per-port layer2 frames up to the 
l3 edge (could be 3550, 650x, mwr-1941, etc), we have pages of things like:


interface FastEthernet0/1.112
 encapsulation dot1Q 112
 ip unnumbered Loopback0
interface FastEthernet0/1.113
 encapsulation dot1Q 113
 ip unnumbered Loopback0
interface FastEthernet0/1.114
 encapsulation dot1Q 114
 ip unnumbered Loopback0


In my mdu and mtu layer2 edge sites, this approach has saved our posteriors 
from real problems--year in, year out. 

A few words on this config: in what you see above, a user simply cannot 
introduce enough traffic to the network (unicast) to matter (i.e. perhaps they 
create an unknown unicast dest flood..), and will be shut down if they spew 
enough bcast/mcast frames (thresholds set appropriate given your expected 
end-user profiles). Further, only the first 10 mac addresses can ride this bus 
(sorry, no LAN parties without prior approval), mitigating concerns for CAM or 
vlan table exhaustion. Lastly, no funky l3/4 acl's are required to prevent 
users handing out DHCP addresses, leaking RA's, or fronting ARP as your routers 
MAC address to their vlan-sharin' neighbors--simply because they don't get to 
send layer2 frames to anyone but the upstream routers control plane. 


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