Rick Ernst wrote:
> I haven't seen anything on the general feel for prefix filtering.  I've seen
> discussions from /48 down to /54.  Any feel for what the "standard" (widely
> deployed) IPv6 prefix filter size will be?

There have been a lot of discussions on this before.
(See also http://lists.cluenet.de/mailman/listinfo/ipv6-ops)

1) IRR data, use whois.ripe.net to store also your non-RIPE, thus
   ARIN,APNIC etc details. This the best place to get your data.
   When a prefix is here, accept that size, clearly the ISP intends
   to distribute it that way.

2) Allocation size as given by the RIR(*), thus a /32 if the block is
   truly a /32 and a /48 when it is a /48.
   If you have PI that is PI, if you have PA it is Aggregated by you
   the provider, thus don't chop it up into little blocks.

3) Gert Doering's filter recommendations:

Also note that it is your network, accept/reject what you want.
Do remember the little problem that when you accept a /64 from some ISP,
that that prefix has to leak through a lot of little crappy holes to
actually get to you, it is a more specific, but the route might be
really really bad to get there.

As for the /48 vs /56 to end-user discussions, these prefixes are coming
out of PA space and thus should not exist in the DFZ. It is Provider
Aggregated, not PD (Provider Deaggregated) after all.


* = Unfortunately it seems that ARIN is giving 1 entity prefixes spread
over multiple blocks, eg four distinct /32's; one can internally
aggregate those of course.

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