Dear Mister Vadivel,

First of all, it would be more enjoyable if you didn't write the title of your email in capital letters. People will assimilate this as spam.

Moreover, I have already asked myself if you were serious in your post about "clean pipes". A two seconds search on Google was enough to provide you the needed replies.

According to your Linkedin profile [1], you are a network consultant.

This post is more than questionable. What are you paid for ?

I suppose that Mister Lenton laugh to not tell you that he will not do your homeworks for free as everybody on this mailing-list.

On my side, I simply find this pathetic.

Good luck :) !

Best Regards,

Guillaume FORTAINE


On 03/16/2010 10:07 AM, Christopher Lenton wrote:

On 16 March 2010 20:03, sakthi vadivel<>  wrote:
Hi all,

If someone have come across with this topic "Network / preventive
maintenance plan”, please offer me some url to obtain more info on this.



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