On Mar 12, 2010, at 5:43 AM, Marshall Eubanks wrote:
> http://www.broadband.gov/

I'm listening to all this and thinking through the questions the FCC might be 
asking. I'm also trying to do a somewhat-controlled test, which I'll give you 
the first several samples of. See attached.

I picked up your note at ~7:10 PST this morning and set up some timed commands 
to remind myself to try this out once an hour at a few minutes before my 
various meetings start. I'm testing speakeasy against speedtest against the two 
broadband.gov engines, plus pingtest just for fun. I am of course at work 
today, woking from home.

For the record, I am a Cox Business subscriber, and my contract is 2 MBPS down 
and 384 KBPS up. That implies I'm not going see tens of MBPS, and I would be 
surprised if the numbers were significantly different than advertised as I am 
by definition paying more money for less service. Some of the tests will run in 
parallel with my daily workload, and I'll try to keep that straight. What may 
impinge is mail downloads, which happen under the hood and aren't necessarily 
visible at the time I initiate a test.

An observation on the various comments that "going to a test service operated 
somewhere other than my POP is a dumb idea": it depends on what you're 
measuring. If you're measuring, as I imagine those commentators are, what bit 
rate is available on the link between the residential subscriber and the ISP 
and therefore whether the contract is being met, the point is well taken. If 
the point is "what is a reasonable expectation of bandwidth when accessing 
various things on the Internet", the ISP's internal connectivity, connectivity 
to its upstream, and to its peers is also relevant - and from an FCC Net 
Neutrality perspective pretty important. A fairly common report several years 
ago was that on DSL networks one might get a high rate through the very last 
mile but often got mere tens of KBPS through the back end network, and DSL 
marketing made the same comment about Cable Modem networks. When I buy a 
certain rate from an ISP, the point is not to talk with the ISP at that rate; 
the point is to be able to do what I do, such as running a VPN across <ISP> and 
<upstream> to/from <company>, or access content on the web.

Another observation: when a subscriber buys a bit rate, the bit rate includes 
IP headers, link layer overhead, etc. If I use FTP to test my rate, it is 
measuring the rate at which TCP can deliver user data, which is to say that it 
omits the TCP, IP, and link layer overheads, which are on the order of 3-4% of 
the bandwidth. If I were running one of these tests over a circuit switch link 
such as a T-1, it would not measure that it was delivering 1.544 MBPS plus or 
minus 75 ppm; it would measure somewhat less considering both physical layer 
overheads (2/193 gets lost out of a T-1 frame) and TCP/IP overheads.

What I have seen so far this morning is that speakeasy, speedtest, and the two 
broadband.gov sites come up with about the same numbers, modulo obvious issues 
of being different tests at slightly different times. The one difference there 
is with broadband.gov/MLAB: it seems to measure my upload rate at about half of 
contract rate the first time I test it, and then measure something 
approximating the contract if I repeat the test. No idea what that really means 
- if it randomly was high and low I could argue that it is a capacity-at-tester 
or "did POP download email?" issue, but since it always the first test that is 
low it suggests something relevant to the sequence.

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