We are getting native IPv6 from HE and Qwest at this time.  Qwest was
doing a beta of IPv6 that we were (are) a part of.  Not sure of they
have ended the beta and rolled out to production.

---- ---- ---- ----
Chris Gotstein, Sr Network Engineer, UP Logon/Computer Connection UP
http://uplogon.com | +1 906 774 4847 | ch...@uplogon.com

On 3/10/2010 1:00 PM, Charles Mills wrote:
> Does anyone have a list of carriers who are IPv6 capable today?
> I would assume this would be rolled out in larger cities first but
> anything outside of "testbed environments" and "trials" as in
> Comcast's recent announcement seems to be all that is available.
> I'm being tasked with coming up with an IPv6 migration plan for a data center.
> Mostly interested in if ATT, Level3, GLBX, Saavis, Verizon Business
> and Qwest are capable as those are the typical ones I deal with.
> Thanks...Chuck

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