You are correct; I should have been more pedantic -- the SA series cannot 
terminate site-to-site IPsec tunnels, according to the sales engineer, unlike 
the Cisco 3000 series and ASA.

Toivo Voll
University of South Florida
Information Technology Communications

-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Fouant [] 
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 2:29 PM
To: Voll, Toivo; Chris Campbell; Dawood Iqbal
Subject: Re: Best VPN Appliance


The SA Series absolutely supports IPsec if you are using Network Connect.  It 
defaults to using IPsec and if that is not supported then it will fall back to 
SSL.  Of course, NC is not as secure as W-SAM, J-SAM, or Core Access in terms 
of role and resource granularity control but the support for IPsec is 
absolutely there.

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