On Mar 5, 2010, at 4:33 PM, Zachary Frederick wrote:

> We have been having a problem emailing to a customer whose server is hosted 
> by The Planet (http://www.theplanet.com/). Our mail server is hosted in-house 
> on a comcast business connection.
> IP address of our server is:
> Customers mail server is:
> I cannot telnet to port 25 on their server, and they cannot telnet to port 25 
> on ours.
> If I try to connect to their mail server from a different network such as my 
> home internet connection, I can connect.
> We do not do any firewalling that would block this in anyway. We were able to 
> send and receive email to them when we used Qwest for our connection, before 
> we switched to Comcast.
> Comcast has said the problem is not on their end because it times out at The 
> Planet.
> The Planet doesn't have much interest in speaking with me, because I'm not 
> their customer.
> Not sure what to do at this point.
> Below is a traceroute:

If you have a suitable platform, try tcptraceroute and see where port 25 is 

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