On 05/03/2010, at 12:25 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:

> The most we could achieve would be to extend IPv4 freepool lifespan
> by roughly 26 days. Given the amount of effort sqeezing useful
> addresses out of such a conversion would require, I proffer that
> such effort is better spent moving towards IPv6 dual stack on your
> networks.

... and, unstated behind that, is the observation that pretty much any
proposed effort to squeeze more time out of IPv4 will inevitably have
the same answer :-)

  - mark

Mark Newton                               Email:  new...@internode.com.au (W)
Network Engineer                          Email:  new...@atdot.dotat.org  (H)
Internode Pty Ltd                         Desk:   +61-8-82282999
"Network Man" - Anagram of "Mark Newton"  Mobile: +61-416-202-223

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