On Mar 4, 2010, at 12:13 PM, valdis.kletni...@vt.edu wrote:

> On Thu, 04 Mar 2010 10:41:38 CST, Aaron Wendel said:
>> We have very similar issues in Kansas City.  A couple years ago we set up a
>> local exchange point but it's had issues gaining traction due to a lack of
>> understanding more than anything else.  In these smaller markets people have
>> a hard time understanding how connecting to a competitor benefits them.
> Does anybody have some numbers they're able to share?  In the "two small ISPs
> in the boonies" scenario, *is* there enough cross traffic to make an
> interconnect worth it? (I'd expect that gaming/IM/email across town to a 
> friend
> on The Other ISP would dominate here?) Or are both competitors too busy
> carrying customer traffic to the same sites elsewhere (google, youtube, 
> amazon,
> etc)?  Phrased differently, how big/small a cross-connect is worth the effort?

Or at the cogent website ($4/meg) do the cost justify peering anymore?

Obviously some of this always depends on the loop costs.

Going to try to write something up that would be useful for smaller ISPs.

The BGP barrier IMHO is quite high in most cases, not all the small ISPs carry 
their routes out to the edge in the same manner as the larger SPs.

- Jared

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