Hmm... unless I'm completely off, 1,080. About enough for a DS3. Maybe half of a
DS3.. as long as it overreaches their T1 or HDSL capacity. It seems that while
DS3 is a copper product, it's typically delivered to the site broken off of a
fiber node. Wouldn't want to see the installation bill of that, though. That's
been my experience of AT&T here in California.


Jared Mauch wrote:
> On Mar 1, 2010, at 8:34 PM, Akyol, Bora A wrote:
>> Michael
>> I think for the people in the situation you are describing, the best bet 
>> would be
>> one of the wireless technologies. Someone on the thread mentioned LTE (which 
>> should
>> be coming out in a couple years time), and to that we can add WiMAX and 
>> even the 3G/3.5G HSPDA type wireless. The prices will not be USD19.99 but for
>> less than USD70/month it is quite possible to get reasonable high speed 
>> Internet 
>> access. Will it be as fast as GigE to the house? No. But it will certainly 
>> support
>> most web apps. The only challenge is that some of these wireless 
>> technologies still have
>> much higher latency when compared to the wired DSL/cable modem links.
> Some of the WISP hardware is getting "cheap".  It's no longer $500 NIUs, you 
> can get something that can go a fair distance at high speeds for ~$80.
> You can find used microwave (unlicensed & licensed) equipment "cheap" as 
> well. ($1-2k per pair/hop).
> The FTTH equipment is ~$600 for 20km reach @ 1Gb/s.
> Life is getting interesting these days.. I'm seeing interest in solving this 
> last mile issue, but I suspect some networks will eventually be forced to 
> abandon their DSL strategy (ATT, Qwest) before too long.  They are going to 
> start to lose out to the competitors.  Verizon seems to be the only (large) 
> US based provider with a decent strategy.
> I'm expecting regulatory intervention in the next few years to actually 
> require universal broadband access from the iLECs, and the only way to reach 
> these further distances is with FTTH gear (cost effectively). 
> I have wondered, how many POTS lines do I need to order to get them to build 
> fiber/access to me.  Anyone have guesses/data?
> - Jared

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