On Mon, 01 Mar 2010 16:42:15 +0100, Arjan van der Oest said:

> > (considering the fact that governments themselves are not capable of
> >running anything but a gray-cheese-with-a-dial telephone network
> Hm, I was under the impression that ARPANET was a government run
> network...

I would not be surprised if some of the bigger providers now have bigger
networks in their test labs than the ARPANET/MILNET combo was - ISTR it was on
the order of 4,000 total nodes in the 1984 era.  I remember being surprised
when my then-current employer joined both networks that the 3,000+ nodes on
Bitnet and the size of the Arpa/Mil aggregate being comparable (and Bitnet may
have been even bigger at some points).

And let's face it - the Arpa/Milnet was a test network, not a production

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