On 2/22/2010 11:20 PM, Dave CROCKER wrote:
> On 2/22/2010 8:42 PM, Larry Sheldon wrote:
>> When Somebody calls one of my "portable" telephone numbers, they don't
>> get a message telling them they have to call some other number.  The get
>> call progress tones.
> You are confusing what is presented to the end-user with what might be going 
> on 
> within the infrastructure service.
> Call progress tones are the former and their primary goal is to keep the user 
> happy, providing very constrained information.  Especially for mobile phones, 
> there is often all sorts of forwarding signallying going on while you hear to 
> tones.

I understand that--and had not considered that the global inventory of
MTAs could be swapped out with stuff that could handle the redirection

I had left the telephone business by the time SS7 came along--how was
that introduced?  (I have assumed that it was as the #2, #4, and #5
machines and their equivalents were swapped out for ESS machines for a
lot of additional reasons.)

> In general, a core problem with the Knesset law is that it presumes something 
> that is viable for the phone infrastructure is equally - or at least 
> tolerably - 
> viable in the email infrastructure.  Unfortunately, the details of the two 
> are 
> massively different in terms of architecture, service model, cost structures 
> and 
> operational skills.

No kidding--something like making airlines do something railroads can do.

"Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to
take everything you have."

Remember:  The Ark was built by amateurs, the Titanic by professionals.

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