On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 3:49 PM, Larry Sheldon <larryshel...@cox.net> wrote:
> On 2/18/2010 2:36 PM, Crist Clark wrote:
> Would appear to this uninformed ignoramus that Barracuda is using the
> data for a commercial purpose and should be buying the feed.

According to the Spamhaus web site,  Your mail volume is automatically
 assumed to be very large,  if you use a dedicated anti-spam
server/appliance of any type.     It would appear that the logic is:
"everyone who has a low volume of mail MUST  perform all spam
filtering on the mail server,  and not have any separate machine
dedicated to spam filtering".

If your email volume is big enough that you need a Barracuda or
similar spam filter appliance, then you certainly CAN NOT use
Spamhaus's free public DNSBL servers.

Except that Baracuda appliances do not use the Spamhaus  list, unless
the spam firewall admin manually makes a decision to add one of the
Spamhaus listss as a custom DNSBL.   Baracuda _used_ to use Spamhaus
by default.      They stopped using it by default in version 3.5.12,
in  July of  2008.

"The Barracuda Spam Firewall used to enable Spamhaus external block
lists by default when usage of those lists was free to all Internet
users. Now that Spamhaus is seeking license fees from some Internet
users, this change is being made to remove the previous default


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