On 2/15/2010 7:00 AM, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

>> If you have received this email in error, you are requested to
>> contact the sender and delete the email.
> Done. I also erased the hard disk and reinstalled the OS.

Given that many Network Operator managers require that that crap be
appended to out-bound messages, frequently beyond the control (or
wishes) of the message-originator, why is it necessary to whine about
every occurrence of it?

Maybe the list manager here can include the whine in the monthly
"address verification" message, which I filter off to the bit-bucket unseen.

Alternately, maybe we can get an IETF wg tasked with a supply of new
"funny" remarks to be included in the whines--since all of the funny
stuff currently available has been used and abused so completely.

"Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to
take everything you have."

Remember:  The Ark was built by amateurs, the Titanic by professionals.

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Ex turpi causa non oritur actio
Eppure si rinfresca

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