On Feb 10, 2010, at 4:57 PM, Charles N Wyble wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Jared Mauch wrote:
>> I think it's great!
>> I've been preparing to float a similar idea locally.
>> If this is how they use their market cap, I would love for them to do it in 
>> my local market, which does seem to hold a near-and-dear place in the heart 
>> of some google C* types.
>> - Jared
>> * Local details/breakdown: http://puck.nether.net/~jared/blog/?p=84
> Awesome write up.
> Has anyone in the NANOG community been approached by google? I mean
> presumably this would require a massive coordination effort with
> existing exchange points etc. Or is google going to simply build an
> entire long haul network as well? Perhaps combine this with the containers?

Thanks.  I want to codify it to something more (average) human-readable before 
I socialize it in the local community.

This sort of investment could have some immediate payback, esp if you have 
local utility (water, power) buy-in.  The challenge I see is having the 
political will to undertake the project.  If you adjust rates up over the first 
few years until the principal is paid off, the payoff could happen in 
short-order and remain competitive.  

Deploying microcell/picocell technology would be easy and could save people 
like AT&T Mobility/Cingular part of their billions they look to pay for network 
upgrades.  A large scale project here could possibly be done (on-poles) for as 
low as $44m, and possibly lower as economies of scale come in to play.

I'm hoping someone here reading from GOOG will suggest to any local Ann Arbor 
Alum (eg: Larry Page) that this would be a chump-change investment that would 
revolutionize telecommunication in the US.

I scaled my model up to Michigan-size (for fun) and came up with a cost 
somewhere around 1 Billion to run fiber down every public roadway.  Taking the 
GOOG market cap of ~170Bln, and if I consider Michigan average (don't know, but 
please stick with me), this could be done for a small part of their market cap, 
and ROI could be at a reasonable speed.  GE and 10GE optics that can do 70km 
are cheap, sometimes lower cost than that HDTV you just bought, this would make 
life very interesting...

- Jared

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