On 2/9/10 3:43 PM, Matthew Palmer wrote:
Turned out that the DNS responses from OpenDNS (they were in a
cafe somewhere with free wireless that was using OpenDNS) were giving
slightly wrong addresses -- like the real address for example.com was, and OpenDNS was giving the response that example.com was at (another server in the same cluster, hence the insane confusion).
No wildcarding or recent DNS changes at our end, either -- it was just
OpenDNS screwing things up *somehow*.

I've never heard of such a report until now. And if true, that would be shockingly bizarre behavior. In the past when I've heard similar, I have a 100% success rate in discovering it's actually a misconfiguration of authoritative records.

Feel free to email me directly if you ever find yourself encountering a similar situation like that again and I'll be happy to troubleshoot it.


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