We're in the process of evaluating:


So far it looks OK... Our OSP guys & technicians seem happy with it,
which is the important part... Something that helps them identify
where a potential problem or where plant is down is the #1 goal we're
after.. The hardest part is actually gathering the data to put into
the system, we're gathering every pole & every splice to enter into
the system...

And no, an Excel sheet does not work...


On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Justin M. Streiner
<strei...@cluebyfour.org> wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Feb 2010, Martin Hannigan wrote:
>> Honestly? A spreadsheet will do it.
> Our fiber plant is large enough, and enough people make changes that a
> spreadsheet is not a scalable option.
> jms
>> On 2/4/10, Justin M. Streiner <strei...@cluebyfour.org> wrote:
>>> To those of you who currently operate large campus/metro fiber plants,
>>> what are you currently using to track the usage of that plant?  By that I
>>> mean things such as:
>>> * tracking the number of free/used/unusable strands in a cable
>>> * tracking conduit utilization
>>> * tying OTDR test results/power meter readings to strands
>>> * trying as-built drawings to cable routes and plant assets like
>>>        manholes, junction boxes, transition splice points, duct banks,
>>>        utility poles, etc.
>>> * mapping termination bays to cables
>>> * tracking cross-connects and splice locations
>>> * grouping cable segments and cross-connects together into a path/circuit
>>> * utilization reports, etc.
>>> I've looked at one or two commercial packages, and might look at more as
>>> time permits.  I haven't seen much in the open-source world, and I
>>> suspect
>>> that many places ended up rolling their own management apps to tie into
>>> existing provisioning systems, etc.  It's possible that I could end up
>>> going that route as well.
>>> jms
>> --
>> Martin Hannigan                               mar...@theicelandguy.com
>> p: +16178216079
>> Power, Network, and Costs Consulting for Iceland Datacenters and Occupants

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