I want to point out that OpenNetAdmin (ONA) is a great IP/DNS/Host
tracking tool, although not supporting IPv6 yet. It's the first GPL I
know of that uses the concept of an abstract host which can have
multiple DNS names or IPs. I used IPPLAN in the past but have recently
converted to ONA for several of our managed projects and been happy
since. The developer is actively working on some improvements. I've
wrote some script to convert from your BIND/NAME zone file to ONA.

As for the interface, you have the option of using its nice AJAX web
based or cli through a PHP script.


On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 12:55 PM, Pavel Dimow <paveldi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> does anybody knows what happend with ipat?
> http://nethead.de/index.php/ipat
> http://nanog.cluepon.net/index.php/Tools_and_Resources
> Any other suggestion for a good foss ip address management app with
> ipv6 support?

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