On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 10:07:35AM +0000, Nick Hilliard wrote:
> On 22/01/2010 05:07, Jim Mercer wrote:
> > i'm just wandering what happened to and what policies
> > govern who and what can use the address space there.
> Not quite sure why you'd want to use 24/8.  It became a "normal" address
> block a very long time ago .  RFC3330 sez:
> > - This block was allocated in early 1996 for use in
> >    Numbers (ARIN) in May 2001.  Addresses within this block are assigned
> >    in the normal manner and should be treated as such.
> So, it's just regular IP address space, available for assignment if you
> live in ARIN-land.

hrm, somehow i missed that.

> Incidentally, Pakistan is serviced by APNIC, not RIPE:
> http://www.apnic.net/about-APNIC/organization/apnics-region

wow, musta been sleeping that day.

any how, it is what it is.

Jim Mercer        j...@reptiles.org        +92 336 520-4504
"I'm Prime Minister of Canada, I live here and I'm going to take a leak."
   - Lester Pearson in 1967, during a meeting between himself and
    President Lyndon Johnson, whose Secret Service detail had taken over
    Pearson's cottage retreat.  At one point, a Johnson guard asked
    Pearson, "Who are you and where are you going?"

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