On 1/16/2010 07:01, Antonio Querubin wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Jan 2010, Cam Byrne wrote:
>> interested you can read the ietf draft.  Assuming you have a ds-lite
>> cpe, you can park dual-stack hosts behind it.  But, it does not "just
> If your hosts are dual-stacked, why would you need a ds-lite cpe in
> the first place?
The point of DS-Lite is to provide IPv4 internet access to hosts which
only have IPv6 addresses in an IPv6 only network environment.  That is,
IPv4 connectivity isn't available all the way through to the provider's
CGN.  If you did straight dual-stack, the provider would have to do IPv4
connectivity all the way to the CGN, and also maintain unique RFC1918 IP
address assignments to every customer going through a particular CGN. 
With DS-Lite, the IPv4 traffic is tunneled from a DS-Lite router
fronting the customer's LAN, or from a host itself (a presumption)
running some sort of DS-Lite driver.  Because the traffic can by
identified by the CGN from the tunnel it came in on, the RFC1918s don't
have to be unique (the customer can pick whatever he wants for his/her
LAN).  A full DS network isn't needed throughout the entire provider
infrastructure, hence the name DS "Lite". 

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