On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 10:00:38AM +0900, Randy Bush wrote: > i am confused here, which is not at all unusual. did the chinese get > any data which google does not give to american LEAs in answer to an > administrative request, i.e. not even a court order?
You mean why didn't they just ask for it instead of going through all this trouble? -- - Adam -- ** I design intricate-yet-elegant processes for user and machine problems. ** Custom development project broken? Contact me, I can help. ** Some of what I do: http://workstuff.tumblr.com/post/70505118/aboutworkstuff [ http://workstuff.tumblr.com ] ........... Technology Blog [ http://www.aquick.org/blog ] ............ Personal Blog [ http://www.adamfields.com/resume.html ].. Experience [ http://www.flickr.com/photos/fields ] ... Photos [ http://www.twitter.com/fields ].......... Twitter [ http://www.morningside-analytics.com ] .. Latest Venture [ http://www.confabb.com ] ................ Founder