On 1/15/10 10:15 PM, Fred Baker wrote:

On Jan 15, 2010, at 8:13 AM, Gadi Evron wrote:

1. Unlike GhostNet, which showed an interesting attack but jumped to
conclusions without evidence that it was China behind them -- based on
Ethos alone I'd like to think that when Google says China did it, they
know. Although being a commercial company with their own agenda, I am
saving final judgement. Did Google ever say it's China rather than
from China?

To my understanding they believe that people that live in China are
relevant (which is why they brought it up in the context), but they are
very carefully saying that they don't know the exact perpetrators.


Absolutely, they pointed it out to me elsewhere (I copy-pasted). I made a mistake.

I mention them as #1 before the current incident out of respect. This should have said "but many jumped to conclusions..." which is also what I said at the time, and supports my third point.

Thanks for pointing this out.


Gadi Evron,

Blog: http://gevron.livejournal.com/

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