On Fri, 15 Jan 2010, Michelle Sullivan wrote:
Well 3 people have ignored the last 2 sentences... so please tell me what is
unclear in them? The only correct response was in 260573 when someone
The robot response, like much of the SORBS web site is rather longwinded,
and I suspect many people, by the time they process
Not all the IP space you requested can be delisted at this
time. Please review carefully our FAQ, located at the following URI
are so fuming mad that they either don't read all the way down to the
final paragraph or aren't thinking clearly by the time they get there.
I know from personal experience, that my reaction was to get to this
point, read/re-read the above mentioned FAQ, make changes to the
in-addr.arpa, and resubmit the request. This was clearly the wrong way
to proceed, but even if you read as far as:
I'm now marking this request as 'answered' as I think there's nothing
more for me to do. If you feel otherwise, please reply to this message
to re-open your ticket. In particular, if you change your rDNS
This really doesn't make it clear that a reply to this response will
reopen the ticket in a human processed queue...so "what's the difference
between massaging my rDNS and resubmitting vs massaging my rDNS and
replying?" The assumption might well be "no difference" so we keep
tweaking the rDNS and banging our heads against R2D2.
Now, if that final paragraph was replaced with
I'm now marking this request as 'answered' as I think there's nothing
more for me to do. If you feel otherwise, please reply to this message.
Your reply will re-open this ticket in a queue handled by our human
support staff.
If you make changes to your rDNS and submit a new request, that
request will open a new ticket which will be handled by this robot.
Since SORBS caches all rDNS for [some TTL] which may be longer than your
TTL, we may not even recognize that your rDNS has changed.
some of the SORBS DUL hate mail might be avoided.
Jon Lewis | I route
Senior Network Engineer | therefore you are
Atlantic Net |
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