On Tue, 12 Jan 2010, Jed Smith wrote:


At the risk of hijacking the thread, is this draft considered to be of importance outside of SORBS' domain at all? When handling a /24 that ended up on the DUL -- I feel this thread's pain -- I made the case that this draft expired years ago by the book and never got any further. The DUL companies like SORBS, Trend Micro, et. al. all point to this document as justification for their practices, however; wouldn't that be considered violating it, given the preamble on page 1?

Sure, it's expired and never made it to RFC status. But are the "DUL"'s really pointing at it as justification for their policies, or simply pointing to it as a handy place to find a set of reasonably sensible suggested practices for DNS naming schemes. If there's another similar document, I'm not aware of it.

I don't know that following the schemes the draft proposes is required for keeping IPs off any "DUL", but I sure wish people would at least read it and consider some of the ideas presented...namely that their DNS naming scheme should clearly indicate an IP's purpose, at least if they want that IP to be useful for sending email.

For example, take the following IPs and their PTRs   sm-70-42-226-181.quepasa.com    mad26-1-78-228-245-8.fbx.proxad.net  m83-185-129-102.cust.tele2.se fm-ip-   189-84-86-106.marinter.com.br

All of them have recently tried sending mail. How many are mail servers? As the vast majority of spam now comes from bot-infected end user systems, it's increasinly important to be able to easily differentiate mail servers from !mail servers. rDNS is a cheap and easy (or at least it can be if the provider chooses) way to do it.

Those who choose to ignore the ideas presented in draft-msullivan-dnsop-generic-naming-schemes-00.txt do so at their own peril.

 Jon Lewis                   |  I route
 Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net                |
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________

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