In case this affects any of you:

Dear AT&T IP Services Customer:

This e-mail is to notify you we are currently experiencing an impairment
with Newark Gigabit Access Router 1. We expect to have additional
information as soon as possible, and we deeply apologize for any
inconvenience this impairment may cause you.

Our trouble ticket number is 119512734.

Below are the IP addresses of your affected circuit(s) for which we have you
listed as a contact.
If you feel that this list is in error please reply with your change


For more information as it becomes available, please visit our website:<http://redir.aspx?C=a34e3c8e8d1949b5a5227a8e887664c2&>

If you require further information please feel free to email AT&T at:

Thank you for using AT&T.


The AT&T Customer Care Team


LITTLE GIRL: But which cookie will you eat FIRST?
COOKIE MONSTER: Me think you have misconception of cookie-eating process.

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