(Resent, sorry for multiple copies -- I messed up from From: address)
On 5 Jan 2010, at 06:16, Stefan Fouant wrote:
>> That said, what are all those ISPs doing now that Cisco has stopped
>> developing the Guard?
> Well of course, moving to Arbor haha... eased in part by a little Cisco
> initiative called Clean Pipes 2.0 :)

Is this really true? I've seen the white paper,  I've been told that the this 
is the best way forward from the Guard, but I must say that I'm not yet totally 
convinced. The Guard product was something that can be separated from the Cisco 
Detection approach, i.e. one can activate the Guard via a means that did not 
necessarily involve the Detectors being the source of the activation, this 
doesn't seem to be true for the Arbor alternative (I believe that the TMS 
requires registering against the rest of the PeakFlow platform).

The other thing that we noted relating to the platform is that there's nothing 
really "new" in the TMS (other than of course, much increased scrubbing rates!) 
compared to the Guard. There doesn't appear to be any direct comparison to the 
'strong' scrubbing mode that the Cisco Guard implemented - whereby the device 
would proxy a bunch of traffic.

If you're an SP who has some existing NetFlow solution, and don't really 
justify a spend for traffic intelligence within your network (or have something 
home-grown), is there an alternative scrubber that one might be able to use in 
a more standalone deployment that can approach the filtering levels of the 
Arbor kit?

I should probably point out that we only really started our conversation with 
Arbor within the last month or so, so there are perhaps details relating to 
this that I've missed. I'd be happy to be corrected!

Kind regards,

Rob Shakir                      <r...@eng.gxn.net>
Network Development Engineer    GX Networks/Vialtus Solutions
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