On Tue, 22 Dec 2009, Joel Jaeggli wrote:
Should US based networks be willing to route RIPE "ASSIGNED PA" space
customers provide?
Are any of your customers multinationals?
They may be. I don't agree that it's relevant. You can disagree with the
RIPE wording or with RIPE policies, or maybe I'm misinterpreting
ASSIGNED PA: This address space has been assigned to an End User for use
with services provided by the issuing LIR. It cannot be kept when
terminating services provided by the LIR.
My interpretation of the above is ASSIGNED PA is the equivalent of my
assigning IP space to a customer who either buys transit (connectivity)
from us or colo's or buys server hosting from us where they will use that
IP space. We don't simply lease out IP space for "customers" to use as
they please on other networks. We do have customers who are multihomed to
whom we've assigned IP space, and they announce those IPs via BGP to us
and other transit providers.
What I've seen recently with jump.ro and other RIPE region LIRs looks like
the LIRs are effectively selling/renting (whatever you want to call it)
"ASSIGNED PA" IP space to spammers who announce it using single homed ASNs
in the US.
As an End User in the RIPE region, if you need/want PI space, are you not
able to get that directly from RIPE?
The previously mentioned page is confusing to me in its coverage of that
The RIPE NCC no longer allocates PI address space. Consequently, many
LIRs do not have PI allocations from which to make PI assignments. If an LIR
has an End User that requires PI address space they are able to support
them by sending these requests to the RIPE NCC on behalf of the End User.
This support includes helping End Users prepare a properly documented
request. The RIPE NCC will make PI assignments when justified.
RIPE no longer allocates PI space. If an LIR has an End User that
requires PI space and the LIR doesn't have any PI left to give out, they
can help that End User apply to RIPE.
This implies RIPE still does "assign" PI space to end users...and if you
need PI IP space and are eligible to deal with RIPE, you should be getting
it from them.
So, if you're not multihomed with jump.ro as one of your providers, is it
appropriate for them to sell you ASSIGNED PA space which you'll use
elsewhere? I don't think so.
Jon Lewis | I route
Senior Network Engineer | therefore you are
Atlantic Net |
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