>From the BBC article quoted in the isoc-ny.org link:

An ITU spokesman said: "The ITU has no plans to modify the BGP protocol, which 
is not an ITU-T standard.

"A proposal has been made, and is being studied, to use BGP routers to collect 
traffic flow data, which could be used, by bilateral agreement, by operators 
for billing purposes."


I read this to mean, no news here. If you want to move traffic, you need a 
bilateral agreement. 

That already exists. Where/if money flows, we know circuits don't build 
themselves for free, so the question of using money isn't a question. The only 
question is whether you are adjusting based on usage, or ports, or total speed, 
or direction of bits. 

ITU is already acknowledging that BGP isn't its baby, so it has nothing to say 


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