On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 06:43:36PM -0800, Doug Barton wrote:
> Joe Abley wrote:
> > On 2009-12-17, at 23:16, Ted Hardie wrote:
> > 
> >> Silly question: how well would using match the
> >> need identified in draft-jabley-sink-arpa ?
> >>
> >> It seems like it would be equally well guaranteed to be non-existant
> >> (short of change in the def of IPv4 and in-addr.arpa).  Like
> >> sink.arpa, it would get you a valid SOA and nothing else.
> >>
> >> Am I missing something, or is this operationally equivalent?
> > 
> > That seems operationally equivalent, in the same way that sink.hopcount.ca 
> > doesn't exist.
> > 
> > The philosophical difference is that (it is proposed that) SINK.ARPA be 
> > guaranteed never to exist, whilst it's conceivable I suppose that someone 
> > could one day propose a use for 257.in-addr.arpa and descendants.
> I was actually thinking that what could be useful would be a generic
> way to signal that a service is not available. Something like
> "noservice" (actual label is not important) as the first label of any
> hostname. Then if you are a person of good will and see that MNAME or
> the RHS of an MX record is assigned to "noservice.example.com" you
> would know not to bother to try doing whatever you were trying to do
> (dynamic dns updates, deliver mail, etc.).
> I would think that further specifying that any hostname with
> "noservice" as the first/only label MUST resolve to, etc.
> I'm sure there are also some other rough edges I'm not thinking of
> from off the top of my head.
> If this is interesting I would volunteer to write a draft for it,
> hopefully with Joe's help? (Both since I'm poaching his idea and
> because he's really good at writing drafts.)
> Doug
> -- 
>       Improve the effectiveness of your Internet presence with
>       a domain name makeover!    http://SupersetSolutions.com/

        I don't think we really want to see the return of the HINFO record
        do we?


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