On 2 Dec 2009, at 20:46, Lasher, Donn wrote:

This year I've been seeing what appears to be an increasing trend among
service providers.. making the decision to leave public peering.

Peering is often sold as 'cheaper than transit' - for everyone that is a gross generalisation, for many networks it is not true, but for some networks it is true. But when managed properly peering should always lead to improved customer experience (speed of access, latency, availability) and access to a community of like minded operators with a common interest.

Therefore, certainly in Europe, we are seeing a growth in the number of networks peering - and from an ever increasingly wide section of the community (service providers, content, e-commerce, enterprise, gaming, education/research networks...). And with a falling cost in long haul transmission we are seeing networks in Europe peer mode in the US, and networks from all over the world peering in Europe.

Check out this report on the success of peering :  

<spam> .... and then talk to exchange operators in the community about how you too can get involved. :-) </spam>

Regards, Andy Davidson
Director, LONAP Ltd

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