On Dec 2, 2009, at 6:41 PM, Mark Newton wrote:
On 03/12/2009, at 9:51 AM, Dave Temkin wrote:
You're correct, out of the box there aren't many. The first couple
that come to mind are the Apple Airport Express and Airport
Extreme, but I don't believe Linksys/Netgear/etc. have support out
of the box.
The Apple products do 6to4 out of the box, but don't support v6
What do you mean they don't support v6 native?
I am running my Time Capsule in v6 native.
Apple seems to have ideological objections to DHCPv6, so at the moment
there's little hope at all that prefix delegation will work on any
of their
CPE products.
True none of the apple products support DHCPv6. I think there is some
hope Apple will come around
on this issue.