While we're at it why not charge taxes for having security bolted on
too....I'm waiting for my Internet EZ-Pass to come in the mail to mount on
my cable modem :-O

I'm wondering where they come up with these schemes...I didn't see any
mention of tax breaks to encourage the roll out.  Just more charges.


On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 9:50 AM, Jared Mauch <ja...@puck.nether.net> wrote:

> How about just mandating that it's illegal to build anything but fiber/gpon
> for services.  If something fails, it needs to be replaced with modern
> technology.
> I know here they replaced copper cable in the middle of the winter last
> year, it would have made more sense to just use the conduit they were
> replacing and put fiber in.
> But the fiber union guys != copper union guys so that is harder to do.
> Oh well, stuck in the 70's with my ISDN.
>        - Jared
> On Nov 18, 2009, at 9:39 AM, Jerry Dixon wrote:
> > If you can make it they can tax it :/
> >
> > Article in today's Wall Street Journal:
> >
> > "WASHINGTON -- Federal regulators are considering whether the government
> > should take greater control of the Internet and ask consumers to pay
> higher
> > phone charges in order to provide all Americans with cheaper access to
> > broadband Internet service.
> >
> > The Federal Communications Commission Wednesday will lay out the case for
> > expanding broadband Internet service, outlining current obstacles to
> making
> > it widely available. The agency is considering whether to force Internet
> > providers to share their networks with rivals and raise fees charged on
> > consumer phone bills to pay for the broader access."
> >
> > Schatz, A. *Feds mull rules, fees to spur net access - WSJ.com.*
> Retrieved
> > 11/18/2009, 2009, from
> > http://online.wsj.com/article/SB125850641299752981.html
> >
> > -Jerry
> > --
> > je...@jdixon.com

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