What I am gathering is that you are looking to by a off brand switch?

If this is the case, then I would argue reliability and speed aren't important to you, but rather price, so go for what you can afford I guess.

If you lack the knowledge to purchase a switch or test it properly, I would hire a professional services company that can do this for you and stand by their product/decisions. Of course, that would be expensive, and sort of goes against buying a cheap switch in the first place.

Most vendors that you should be shopping in the first place, publish data on their switches that is a decent guide to performance at a distance. Just make sure your comparing apples to apples (packet sizes, features, etc). There are also some independent tests you can find such as miercom.


On Nov 7, 2009, at 12:21 PM, Deric Kwok wrote:


I am requested to get not brand list switch

how can I test it? any software or methods

or any need

Thank you so much

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