On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 2:13 AM, Tim Jackson <jackson....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Being the architect/head-nerd-in-charge of a fairly new network.....
> Not reading ras's HOWTOs and others is suicide.... There's no
> excuse... It really makes running your network easier.. If my customer
> needs to prepend X to Y transit/peer/customer or not announce to them
> at 3am, that means they don't have to call me...

That's exactly what I expect from a decent upstream.
So far all our upstreams (Level3, Cogent, Tata), with the exception of
HE, provide this service.

I don't even care about receiving their communities which describe
where the prefix has been injected, since I can handle outbound
traffic more or less myself. It's a nice-to-have feature though.
It's the inbound that I cannot control without a little help from my
upstreams, hence our desperate need to send BGP communities.


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