We have transit through Peer1 and Telia, both accept communities. I
wouldn't consider buying from someone who didn't.


On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 4:37 PM, Andy B. <globic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Quick question: Would you buy transit from someone who does not
> support BGP communities?
> Here is the story:
> My company is pushing several GBit/s through various upstream
> providers. We have reached the point where we rely on BGP communitiy
> support, especially communities that can be sent to the upstream to
> change the way he announces our prefixes to his peers/transits.
> While most decent upstream providers support this kind of traffic
> engineering, one of them refuses to send and accept BGP communities. I
> tried to contact my upstream several times through different channels
> to get some background as to why they would not be able to provide us
> this service, but all we get is tickets that get closed without an
> answer. Management itself does not seem to bother either.
> Is this normal or is it too much to ask for BGP communities from an
> upstream who has points of presence in the US, Europe and Asia?
> Andy

Jeffrey Lyon, Leadership Team
jeffrey.l...@blacklotus.net | http://www.blacklotus.net
Black Lotus Communications of The IRC Company, Inc.

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