
Could you elaborate on "GSLB" (Global Load Balancing?) ? Pardon if that question seems a bit "noob-ish"


Roland Dobbins wrote:

On Oct 28, 2009, at 8:26 PM, Stefan Fouant wrote:

I'm wondering what are the growing trends in connecting Data Centers for redundancy in DR/COOP environments.

'DR' is an obsolete 40-year-old mainframe concept; it never works, as funding/testing/scaling of the 'backup' systems is never adequate and/or allowed.

Layer-2 between sites is evil, as well.

Layer-3-independence and active/active/etc. is where it's at in terms of high availability in the 21st Century. GSLB, et. al.

Roland Dobbins <> // <>

Sorry, sometimes I mistake your existential crises for technical

            -- xkcd #625


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