Nominations for the Communications Committee (formerly known as the  
Mailing List Committee) remain open until October 29.  With the recent  
charter amendment, this committee has a unique opportunity to help  
shape the presence of NANOG on the web, collaboration and social media  
platforms, and other forms of electronic communications beyond the  
mailing list.  If you are interested or know someone else who is,  
please make a nomination by sending a message to

Also, this past Wednesday the new Steering Committee met for the first  
time to welcome our new members, Sylvie LaPerrière and Duane Wessels  
and to thank our outgoing members, Chris Morrow and Jared Mauch.   
During this meeting, I was selected as chair for the coming year.  Joe  
Provo, who has done a great job as chair for the past year, will be  
vice chair.

For the Steering Committee,
        Steve Feldman (Chair)

NANOG-announce mailing list

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