If you've got an addressing system with enough bits that you don't have to start stealing them, it makes sense to pick some boundary length between our-problem : their-problem 128 bits is long enough, and changing protocols is nasty enough, that it should let you Never Have To Do It Again.
Originally with IPv6, the boundary was a nice round 64 bits, with the ISP on the network side and MAC48-based autoaddressing on the user side, with the user side looking suspiciously similar to Novell Netware and giving ~64K subnets, and this was back before DHCP had taken over the world and it was expected that all kinds of weird little toasters would be using IPv6. But some relatively sensible people proposed using the (ugly) EUI-64 64-bit MAC, because they Never Wanted To Have To Do This Again Either. And unfortunately, because it's a good enough idea to be worth accepting, it pushes the network boundary somewhat to the left, because it's pretty obvious that an average household may have multiple devices that want to autoconfigure themselves, so you probably will end up needing multiple subnets. And unfortunately, there's no obviously correct boundary, and no particular reason for all ISPs to use the same boundary, so there are endless arguments about it on NANOG and elsewhere. In general, /48's big enough for most large complex businesses (except ISPs), and /60's more than big enough for a household and for many small businesses, but we've got enough bits that it's worth using octet-aligned addresses, so /56 is the magic number for them, except at ISPs that simply don't want to bother giving out anything except /48s. There may be special cases for assigning /64s to end users, such as IPv6-equipped cell phones, but that's a matter for specialized carriers to provide, or for internal network managers at enterprises. And if you're big enough to get Provider Independent Address Space and an AS#, you're big enough to have a /48 of your own. Now, IPv6 was supposed to allow the development of other indistinguishable-from-magically advanced technology, such as getting rid of the growth of routing tables by convincing everybody to be happy with hierarchically assigned provider-aligned address space, and unfortunately that hasn't matched the needs of businesses, which need multihoming for reliability (so they'll be non-provider-aligned for at least n-1 of their ISPs), plus want the ability to take their address space with them when they change ISPs (because there are too many devices and applications that insist on having hard-coded IP addresses instead of using DNS, and because DNS tends to get cached more often than you'd sometimes like. So that problem shows no sign of going away (in spite of shim6..)