On Oct 13, 2009, at 9:56 PM, Joe Abley wrote:
On 2009-10-13, at 14:46, Matthew Petach wrote:
I allocate a /64, but currently I configure only a /127 subnet on the
actual interface.
For BRAS/PPPoE deployments you're dealing with a point-to-point
link, so in principle you can number the endpoints using whatever
you want. They're just host addresses and interface routes when it
comes down to it. There's no need to number both ends within a
single conventional subnet.
In the test deployment I did earlier in the year I defined a pool of
link addresses per BRAS (one /64 prefix per BRAS) and handed out one
to each subscriber using ND/RA after IPv6CP had completed. To the
subscriber that looked like a /128 host route, with some other
arbitrary address on the far side. (We could have done it with
RADIUS too, but having a static link address didn't seem
particularly important.)
A sub-side static /48 was then assigned via RADIUS and a route
installed on the BRAS side, with DHCPv6 PD available as an option
for clients who want auto-configuration rather than static config.
It seemed to work. BRAS was a Juniper E-series (test box was an
We run roughly the same, although we skip the whole globalscope
address on the PPP, running localscope only works for the CPE we
tested so far.