On 13/10/2009, at 12:54 PM, Doug Barton wrote:

On Oct 12, 2009, at 7:34 PM, Justin Shore <jus...@justinshore.com> wrote:
I'm actually taking an IPv6 class right now and the topic of customer assignments came up today (day 1). The instructor was suggesting dynamically allocating /127s to residential customers. I relayed the gist of this thread to him (/48, /56 and /64). I expect to dive deeper into this in the following days in the class.

Out of curiosity who is conducting this class and what was their rationale for using /127s?


As a point of view on this, a member of staff from APNIC was doing a Masters of IT in the last 3-4 years, and had classfull A/B/C addressing taught to her in the networks unit. She found it quite a struggle to convince the lecturer that reality had moved on and they had no idea about CIDR.

I have from time to time, asked people in ACM and IEEE about how one informs the tertiary teaching community about this kind of change. The answers were not inspiring: compared to civil engineering, where compliance issues and re-training by professionals is almost regulated (sorry for the R- word) as a function of professional indemnity insurance and status, its much more common for the syllabus to be under continual review.


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