> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eugeniu Patrascu [mailto:eu...@imacandi.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 4:20 AM
> To: Gadi Evron
> Subject: Re: Dutch ISPs to collaborate and take responsibility for
> >
> I think the need for someone being able to call 911 from their VoIP
> outweighs your right to claim that they should be disconnected from the
> Internet.

I believe the FCC requires even deactivated phones to be able to reach 911.
Can't confirm, fcc.gov is down.
Don't know about CRTC.  And I don't know how this could apply to an
over-the-top VoIP service--how would an ISP know you're trying to call 
911 on Skype?

> Besides, if that provider wants to help out, he might setup a captive
> portal or something with information regarding tools to clean their
> computer.

Many providers already do that.


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