we currently announce, unfortunately some of our carriers
have been threattened by the illegal entertainment kartell mafia
and dont really feel like relaying this prefix for us.

if you do have this prefix over one of our peerings as i know many of you
do, feel free to accidentially leak it to the rest of the world until
something better is worked out :P (in a later stadium the old DCP AS is
planned to be behind AS34109 again on its own, this is a temporary

origin: AS34109 (CB3ROB / CYBERBUNKER)
action: leak :P

if you want to "pick up" the piratebay prefix for your eyeballs you can do
so by setting up peering with us at NL-IX (n...@cb3rob.net) or obtain it from 
several of our
larger peers.


Sven Olaf Kamphuis
CB3ROB DataServices

Phone: +31/87-8747479
Skype: CB3ROB
MSN:   s...@cb3rob.net
C.V.:  http://www.linkedin.com/in/cb3rob

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