>-----Original Message-----
>From: robert.e.vanor...@frb.gov [mailto:robert.e.vanor...@frb.gov]
>Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 7:41 PM
>To: nanog@nanog.org
>Subject: Re: ISP customer assignments
>The address space is daunting in scale as you have noted, but I don't see
>lessons learned in address allocation between IPv6 and IPv4.  Consider as a
>residential customer, I will be provided a /64, which means each individual
>Earth will have roughly 1 billion addresses each.

Nope.  You should get a ~/56.  Even so, a /64 gives you ~18BillionBillion

>Organizations will be provided /48s or smaller, but given the current
>with routing /48's globally, I think you will find more organizations
>for /32s or smaller...  so what once was a astonomical number of addresses
>one cannot concieve numerically, soon becomes much smaller.  I can see an

Nope, organizations will go for PI ~/48s, and Verizon will be forced to stop
filtering them.
Oh, and IIRC - as it stands now, IPv7-9 are already shot (similar to IPv1-3)
... so IPv10 would be next up, in a century ... or four.

>in the future, and doing it all over again... I just hope I retire before
>comes... The only difference I can see between IPv4 and IPv6 is how much of

Are you retiring in the next 0-3 years?  :)

>pain it is to type a 128 bit address...  Just like back in the day when
Class B
>networks were handed out like candy, one day we will be figuring out how to
>in emergency allocations on the ARIN listserv for IPv6 because of address
>exhaustion and waste.

As for the lessons learned - it is about scale.  
32 bits isn't enough, double it 96 more times (or 32 more times for just the
network side, if you prefer) and it is enough.


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