I have forwarded this conversation to ARIN ppml as this is now a topic for that 
mailing list more than NANOG.

Marla Azinger

-----Original Message-----
From: Azinger, Marla []
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 10:29 AM
To: Christopher Morrow; Chris Marlatt
Cc: John Curran;
Subject: RE: Hijacked Blocks

I haven't followed this entire string.  Are you saying ARIN is repeatedly 
handing out address space to known abusers?  If that's the case then yes, some 
form of policy should be worked on. If on the administrative level ARIN is not 
researching returned blocks for abuse complaints and working to clean them up, 
then...I suppose policy could be proposed. I'm just not sure if that's really 
where the brunt of assignments to abusers is happening.

>From experience I learned the most effective place for abuse stopping is at 
>the network level.  Back in 2001 my network had serious problems with this.  
>Making a sale was more important than ensuring abuse didn't occur.  However, I 
>worked to install a policy that required customer review before assigning them 
>address space.  If public records showed abuse (which was really easy to find) 
>or public records showed a business model that would be really only something 
>leading to abuse complaints then engineering had the veto power to not permit 
>the potential customer onto our network.  We managed to go from allot of abuse 
>to essentially zero in 1 year.  Then we worked to clean up the damaged blocks.

Granted, if a network or company goes out of business they wont care if the 
addresses are clean when they return them to ARIN.  So maybe this is where some 
proposal could focus.  Also, if this is a case where an entity is able to 
qualify for direct ARIN allocations and they are habitual at turning over 
because their business is essentially abusing the network, then policy could 
focus there as well.  Its easy to create a new company name, but from 
experience the owners name still stays the same for the most part, so a review 
of the company before allocation would catch that.

In reality, we would all benefit if policy to stop it before it happens and 
policy to clean it up before reissuing existed at the registry and the network 
level.  It would be interesting to see what legal and staff would have to say 
about taking those types of measures.

Controlling this type of abuse and the clean up of it is one of the older 
arguments for not permitting just anyone direct allocations from ARIN.  Abuse 
and clean up is better managed and cared for at the larger Network levels.  Im 
not looking to open a debate on this last comment.  ;o)  Its just something 
that popped into my head as to one of the explanations for why specific levels 
of qualifications for direct allocations from ARIN existed with IPv4.

My 2cents.  sorry if it seemed long

Marla Azinger
Frontier Communications
Sr Data Engineer

-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Morrow []
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 9:40 AM
To: Chris Marlatt
Cc: John Curran;
Subject: Re: Hijacked Blocks

On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Chris Marlatt <> wrote:
> Christopher Morrow wrote:
>> The end of the discussion was along the lines of: "Yes, we know this
>> guy is bad news, but he always comes to us with the proper paperwork
>> and numbers, there's nothing in the current policy set to deny him
>> address resources. Happily though he never pays his bill after the
>> first 12 months so we just reclaim whatever resources are allocated
>> then."  (yes, comments about more address space ending up on BL's
>> were made, and that he probably doesn't pay because after the first 3
>> months the address space is 'worthless' to him...)
>> How should this get fixed? Is it possible to make policy to address
>> this sort of problem?
>> -chris
> If this is the case one could argue that ARIN should be reserving this
> "worthless" address space to be used when they receive similar
> requests in the future. There's no reason personX should get fresh,
> clean address space when they make additional requests.

That implies some process changes inside ARIN (I think) and effectively saving 
'your old space' for some period of time in escrow for you. This doesn't sound 
unreasonable, perhaps you put forth some policy verbiage on ppml?


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