On Sep 11, 2009, at 6:52 PM, Martin Hannigan wrote: > > I honestly don't think that it's up to them to create a set-aside > either, > hence my comment about behind the scenes activities. I appreciate you > detailing that, but I honestly don't think it matters since as you > mentioned > you get accused of this all of the time. I would expect that ICANN > would not > only follow the rules, but safeguard them as well.
The RIR CEO's told the IANA to use their best judgement in making the /8 assignments. This is exactly what happens with each assignment today in any case, and would have been the same result without that feedback to IANA, i.e., what would normally have been a behind the scenes implementation issue has now been publicly detailed, and I, for one, thank the IANA for their clear and timely communications on this matter. > Numbering policy usually goes to the members of each of the RIR > communities, > just as the IANA to RIR policy did. The algorithm itself is great. The > set-aside is the problem. This is not formation of global Internet numbering policy, it's implementation of the existing policy regarding IANA to RIR /8 block assignments. Regardless, the global nature of the Internet means that we'll all deal with connectivity issues with these blocks once they're allocated. Any and all efforts that the networking community can take now to get these blocks cleaned up now would be most helpful. /John John Curran President and CEO ARIN