On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Seth Mattinen <se...@rollernet.us> wrote:

> Skywing wrote:
> > What's to stop spammers from doing this to cycle through blocks in
> rapid-fashion?
> >
> > This proposal seems easily abusable to me.
> >
> Oh, I don't know, maybe ARIN staff can say no? The process is heavy with
> human interaction, there is nothing "rapid" about it, and bears no
> comparison to the automated process of registering a domain name. You'd
> know that if you ever had to make a request for a number resource from

The problem of tainted ipv4 allocations probably grows from here since at
some point in the near future there isn't going to be much left in terms of
"clean" space to allocate. We're running out of v4 addresses in case anyone

Not sure that this is an ARIN problem more than an operational problem since
RBL's are opt-in. An effort to identify RBL's that are behaving poorly is
probably more interesting at this point, no?

Best Regards,


> ~Seth

Martin Hannigan                               mar...@theicelandguy.com
p: +16178216079
Power, Network, and Costs Consulting for Iceland Datacenters and Occupants

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