From a cost, operational, and routing perspective, the same would be
true if you got a CT link in Los Angeles or San Francisco.
I can't be sure (didn't try myself, sorry) but I think CT links are more
filtered from outside PRC (HK being included in PRC)
Since CT and CNC
You mean China Unicom =)
control all routes between China and everywhere else in the world--
including HK -- and the outsideCN-to-insideCN segment is going to be
the most expensive and complicated element of any path between China
and anywhere else, the choice of interconnect location with your
preferred China-side service provider provider is largely going to be
a matter of personal taste/local convenience.
and when asking to go through the Great Firewall, you (I don't mean YOU,
TV) should first focus on your objectives. Do you truly think that
because you got a network foot inside Mainland China, your services will
be easy to reach for all Chinese Netizens?