We're trying to save on Transport links. Instead of multi-homing each PE to 2 
Ps, we're considering building a ring: P-PE-PE-PE-P. This ring follows the 
transport ring. Each link would be engineering to make sure it can handle all 
of the traffic from all 3PEs in case of a failure. As the network grows, we 
could get individual transport links from PE-P.

Apart from bandwidth, I was curious if there were other problems I related to 
doing this that I wasn't thinking of. Thanks for all the replies. Much 


From: William McCall <william.mcc...@gmail.com>
To: Serge Vautour <se...@nbnet.nb.ca>
Cc: nanog@nanog.org
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2009 1:07:40 AM
Subject: Re: Single router for P/PE functions

Kinda depends on what you're doing exactly, but like Erik said, it certainly 
possible and depending on your particular needs, it might not be much of an 
issue at all.

Can you describe your scenario a bit more?


On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 10:20 AM, Serge Vautour <sergevaut...@yahoo.ca> wrote:

>>I'm pretty confident that a router can be used to perform P & PE functions 
>>simultaneously. What about from a best practice perspective? Is this 
>>something that should be completely avoided? Why? We're considering doing 
>>this as a temporary workaround but we all know temporary usually lasts a long 
>>time. I'd like to know what kind of mess awaits if we let this one go.
>>      __________________________________________________________________
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William McCall, CCIE #25044

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